And the Winners are…

It has taken me a while to sit down and start writing this post! I’ve been so busy this weekend trying to finish my new design, swatching, do the maths, testing and more testing… and celebrating my 6th anniversary with my other half! and now that I’m in the good track I’m ready to post […]

Crochet pattern winner announcement

Thank you everyone for entering and sharing this giveaway. The total number of participants has been 18. And the winner for the Martian & monster boots crochet pattern is: Congratulations Maegan! I hope you enjoy crocheting this pattern!

Crochet in a Bag Giveaway Winners Announcement

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and entered our giveaway! As was announced in the post about the Elegant black headbands, yesterday was the last day to enter the giveaway to win 2 Crochet in a Bag, DIY kits courtesy of Red Sewing Box. The total number of participants has been 19. And the Winners […]